Gear Wash Blog

Meet the #GearWashFamily: Whitney Yeager, Business Development Manager

Get to Know Whitney! 

Before joining our Gear Wash team in Hudson, Florida, Whitney was building her career in customer service and business management within the fire protection industry. She even earned her license servicing fire extinguishers! Today, you can find her educating fire departments on NFPA 1851 guidelines and the importance of PPE clean & repair maintenance. 🧯

What is the coolest thing about your job and why?

I love what I do and what it represents. I have many friends that are firefighters, and I'm proud to work on behalf of a company that is continuously finding ways to better their safety. I think the work these men and women do is admirable, and in a small way, I look at this job as my contribution. 🚒

Have you been anywhere recently for the first time?

Recently my Fiancé and I went to the Grand Canyon! It was amazing. Arizona is so beautiful and has so much to offer. I would go again in a heartbeat.

What is your #1 recommended TV Show or movie?

Ted Lasso has been my recent obsession.


What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Some of you may laugh - I attended Florida State Fire College for a week while preparing for my portable fire extinguisher technician permit. My co-workers at the time volunteered me for "extra credit" which was *attempting* to extinguish a large fire on a propane simulator. I had to check to make sure my eyebrows were still on my face afterward. 🔥


What's the best advice you've ever received?

The best advice I have received parallels Nick Saban's philosophy, known as "The Process" (Not an Alabama fan so stay with me here). Focus on your day-to-day effort, and doing the smallest things well. Staying present will lead to your long-term success.

The worst piece of advice I have ever received is that "time heals all things." I don't believe that's true. I think that you can become stronger and more resilient, but I don't believe time can change the effect of a past hurt or trauma.


How do you relax in the evenings or on the weekends?

My favorite thing to do is spend time with my dog, Boomer. He loves going on long walks and occasionally to the dog beach. Over quarantine, I discovered a love for cooking as a way to unwind from my day and try new things.

Meet The FDX Family (19)

Imagine you could step in a teleport for a day and go to any place and time in history. Where and when would you travel to?

My brother and I have lost both of our parents over the last three years. I would travel back to our last Christmas together if I could choose anything. 


What's your favorite family tradition? 

We use to play the German Pickle game at Christmas. I learned about it during a high school project and told my mom about it. That year she hid a pickle in the tree and confused the heck out of my brother. Needless to say, I was the child who got an extra gift that year. Give it a google if you haven't heard about it.


What's the last book you read? 

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (Great read!)


If you were a baseball player, what song would you walk out to?

Weirdly enough I've thought about this. I think Ride Like the Wind by Christopher Cross would be epic.


What could you give a 30-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation? 

Water Aerobics 💦


If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be? 


Categorized: Meet the #GearWashFamily